Term Dates

The Nursery is term-time only and we are in the local authority of Durham, therefore we follow the terms dates set by the authority. You can find detailed information on upcoming terms on the Durham Gov website. 

2019/2020 Term Dates

Autumn 1:
Tuesday 3rd September - Friday 25th October

Autumn Half-Term Closure:
Monday 28th October - Friday 1st November

Autumn 2:
Monday 4th November - Friday 13th December

Christmas Holidays Closure:
Monday 16th December - Friday 3rd January

Spring 1:
Monday 6th January - Friday 14th February

Spring Half-Term Closure:
Monday 17th February - Monday 24th February

Spring 2:
Tuesday 25th February - Friday 3rd April

Easter Holidays Closure:
Monday 6th April - Friday 17th April

Summer 1:
Monday 20th April - Friday 22nd May

Summer Half-Term Closure:
Monday 25th May - Friday 29th May

Summer 2:
Monday 1st June - Monday 20th July

Special Date Closures:
Training Day - Monday 24th February
May Day Bank Holiday - Friday 8th May
Training Day - Friday 22nd May
Training Day - Monday 20th July

Nursery Calendar

Keep up-to-date with the latest events at the Nursery.