Food Bank Donations supporting Dawdon Youth and Community Centre
At Tots 'R' Us Nursery and Eastlea Community Centre, we were delighted to be able to support the marvellous work Dawdon Youth and Community Centre is doing with its food bank.
We gave batches of chicken broth and parsnip and carrot soup, made by Eastlea staff and volunteers, which will help those in need during the lockdown period. We also donated butter, cheese, rice and cooking sauces to the food bank.
Children and their families from Tots ‘R’ Us Nursery at Eastlea had started a project in late February, collecting toiletries and food items, to support the community and local food banks. Along with the Centre’s donations today, three bags of toiletries and non-perishable food items were donated by the Nursery’s staff, children and families to support Dawdon’s appeal for more supplies.
Marion and John from Dawdon Youth and Community Centre are pictured collecting the items at Eastlea.
Eastlea Community Centre is, and has been, a collection point for East Durham Trust’s FEED food bank for many years, and will continue to support them by taking any donations of non-perishable items when the Centre reopens. The Nursery will also continue with their project. In the meantime if anyone can support both of these very worthy food banks, who are in need of supplies please contact them direct.