Opening New Doors at ECC & Tots 'R' Us

Eastlea Community Centre’s doors are open to everyone, thanks to a new accessible entrance installed on 18 December 2019. People who use Eastlea Community Centre, in Stockton Road, helped to buy the automatic door by donating to an appeal fund.

There were also donations from Seaham Town Council, former Mayor Sonia Foster’s charity fund, Seaham Kempo Jujitsu and White Dove Tai Chi group, as well as Tots ‘R’ Us, the Centre’s Ofsted-registered Nursery. Children from the Nursery and the Centre’s FAB youth group also carried out fund-raising events.

The appeal met its £3,500 target, although the eventual cost was higher than expected and was topped up from Centre funds.

“We are extremely grateful to everyone who helped us make the Centre accessible to all,” said Chair Margaret Blackwell.

“It’s a demonstration of how we work together as a community to help each other. We want everyone to feel welcome at the Centre, and this proves our commitment.”

Eastlea Community Centre - New Automated Doors